(973) 513-9031

privacy statement

BDRN, LLC Privacy/Terms of Use Statement

Thank you for visiting the Bleeding Disorders Resources Network, LLC (BDRN) website and for reviewing our Privacy/ Terms of Use Statement.



Purpose: BDRN respects the privacy of every individual who visits our website. This privacy statement discloses the privacy practices of BDRN for those visiting www.mybdrn.com. The BDRN Privacy Statement applies solely to the BDRN website. BDRN is dedicated to protecting your privacy and ensuring your ability to use our website with confidence.

User Agreement: By using and viewing our website, you accept the practices described in this notice and agree to abide by all of the terms and conditions contained herein. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of this BDRN Privacy Statement, you are not authorized to use or view the BDRN website.

Information Collection and Usage: Users can visit the BDRN website without revealing any information about themselves. Personal information is only collected via various forms found in our website. Completion of any of these forms is optional. BDRN is the sole owner of the information collected on this website. BDRN will not sell, share, or rent your information to others outside of BDRN.

Outside Links: BDRN provides links to outside websites. These websites are not developed or maintained by BDRN. These links are provided for your convenience only, and BDRN neither endorses nor supports the statements they contain in any way. BDRN is not responsible for any information posted on any of these other websites. BDRN does not verify the authenticity of these links or the content they provide. Once you leave the BDRN website it is strongly advised that the privacy statements of those outside websites be read prior to viewing.

Disclaimer:The information contained on the BDRN website is provided for your general information only. In no way does it replace the information and advice provided by a health care professional. BDRN does not give medical advice or engage in the practice of medicine. Under no circumstances does BDRN recommend particular treatment for specific individuals and in all cases, recommends that you consult your physician or your local treatment center before beginning or changing any course of treatment. A doctor, nurse or Hemophilia Treatment Center should be contacted regarding the diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition.

Notification of Changes: Any changes to the BDRN Privacy Statement will be disclosed on this Privacy Statement page.

Copyright: No part of this page or website may be used in whole or in part without the expressed, written permission of BDRN. Users are prohibited from modifying, copying, transmitting, distributing, displaying, publishing, licensing, selling, creating derivative works, or using any information available on or through the site for commercial or public purposes. All information and content on this website are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved.

Any material used on these pages that is not the property of BDRN is used with permission of original author or is in public domain.